the cactus club

Wham, 25


Count:32, Wall:2

Level: Beginner

Choreographer: Niels Poulsen (Denmark) April 18, 2008

Music: Wake me up before you go' by Wham. Album: 'The Final'and others

Tag: After wall 2 (facing 12:00) and 7 (facing 6:00) See description below Restart: On wall 5 (facing 6:00) and 10 (facing 12:00) restart dance after the jazz box

Intro: 32 counts from first beat (app. 13 seconds into track)
Step fw R, kick fw L, step back L, point R back, Repeat first 4 steps
1-2 Step fw R, kick L fw 12:00
3-4 Step back on L, point R back 12:00
5-6 fw R, kick L fw 12:00
7-8 Step back on L, point R back 12:00

Four step touches (diagonally fw, back, back, fw)
9-10 Step R diagonally fw R, touch L next to R 12:00
11-12 Step L diagonally back L, touch R next to L 12:00
13-14 Step R diagonally back R, touch L next to R 12:00
15-16 Step L diagonally fw L, touch R next to L 12:00

R toe strut, 1/4 L toe strut, R toe strut, 1/4 L toe strut
17-18 Tap R toe fw, step down on R foot 12:00
19-20 Turn 1/4 L tapping L toe fw, step down on L 9:00
21-22 Tap R toe fw, step down on R foot 9:00
23-24 Turn 1/4 L tapping L toe fw, step down on L 6:00

R jazz box, jump fw R L and clap, jump back R L and clap
25-26 Cross R over L, step back on L 6:00
27-28 Step R to R side, step fw on L (* restart here during wall 5 and 10) 6:00
&29-30 Jump fw R, jump fw L, clap 6:00
&31-32 Jump back R, jump back L, clap 6:00

TAG - After wall 2 (facing 12:00) and 7(facing 6:00) add 1-2 Stomp fw R, stomp fw L 3-4 Hold, Hold (we have been snapping fingers)